The glow of a candle brings the warmth of the holidays to any home. Designer L. C. Warren captures the beauty of this perennial symbol of the season using bright holiday colors.
When worked on 14 ct cloth, the design measures 3.5 in. by 3.5 in. - perfect for a coaster to use at your holiday party.
The chart uses black & white whole and half stitches along with back stitching. The thread key shows colors by stitch count.
SUGGESTION: For coasters, mount the finished cross stitch on 3.5 in. x 3.5 in. adhesive cork backing. Coat with Modge-Podge or other cloth sealant to waterproof.
Design Dimensions (49x49):
- 14 ct. = 3.50" x 3.50"
- 16 ct. = 3.06" x 3.06"
- 18 ct. = 2.72" x 2.72"
- 20 ct. = 2.45" x 2.45"