Enchanted Village Cross Stitch

Leaflet Style
Print and Bag Chart Pack
Stitch Count
225 x 146
DMC Floss
Stitcher's Choice
DMC Colors
Designed By:
StitchX Cross Stitch
copyright: StitchX
About this item
Enchanted Village Cross Stitch Pattern

Why you will love StitchX patterns:

We include a full color picture of design for reference (cover picture).
Our fabric planning worksheet walks you step by step through finding the perfect fabric size for any count.
You'll receive a detailed floss usage list including how many stitches of each color and a guide to estimating how many skeins of each floss color you will need.
We give you tips for preparing your fabric for your project.
For multi-page projects, each page shows a page layout guide as well as overlapped stitches for easy alignment when moving from one page to the next.
There is no need to enlarge patterns in most cases - we strive to create easy-to-read graphs.

This pattern is designed with 65 DMC thread colors.

The stitch count of this cross stitch design is 225 x 146.

The finished size of the design depends on stitcher's fabric choice. Here are finished sizes in popular fabric choices:
14 count (or 28 count): 16 inches x 10 inches
16 count (or 32 count): 14 inches x 9 inches
18 count: 12 inches x 8 inches

Sizes are approximate. We include a Project Planning Worksheet to assist in determining your exact fabric requirements.

Pricing Information:

You must be signed into your shop account to view pricing.