A flowing sequence of leaf and flower motifs symbolic of the regal Scotch thistle combine into this beautiful lace stole.
As with the stately thistle where taller leaf stalks form at base of the plant and dainty flower heads adorn tips of the stalks, the lace leaf and flower motifs in this knitted stole transition from taller to shorter.
Believe it or not, this complex-looking lace is based on a motif of just 10 stitches by 14 rows (of which only 7 rows are actual patterning with the other 7 rows being easy 'rest' rows of plain purling!). The elegance is in the different way the motif is arranged and repeated in the stole — the knitting is easy yet continues to be interesting throughout the project.
Select a yarn as soft as thistle down in colors of Scotch thistle as shown, or in a natural downy white, or anything that delights your knitterly senses.
The stole is knitted in two pieces, then joined at the middle by an easy method that does not require grafting. The resulting seam is nearly invisible to all but the most discerning eye.