Pattern Name: Honest Abe ( Abraham Lincoln ) Sampler
Designed By: Nurdan Kanber
Company:NNK BV Holland
Copyright:Nurdan Kanber
Fabric:Aida 14, Grey or Dirty
351w X 373h Stitches
Size: 14 Count, 63.68w X 67.67h cm
• This sampler is a joint project of Chrissy E.Morgan and Nurdan Kanber.
• The model is stitched on 28 Count Jobelan Waterlilly as 2 over 2.
• It is stitched and finished by Chrissy E. Morgan (@finally_a_farmgirl on IG)
• All called for DMC except: Mary Todd's dress is Week's Dye Works - Gold
. Red in flags and border is The Gentle Arts - Buckeye Scarlett.
All TPP charts are B&W with full crosses!