Hopeful Heart Prayer Flag

Item Number:
Leaflet Style
Four Page Leaflet
Stitch Count
79w x 88h
Project Size
4" x 4.4" on 40cnt (over 2)
40ct Vintage Ephemera Damask Linen
Designed By:
Jan Hicks Creates
copyright: Jan Hicks Creates 2023
About this item
Stitch Count: 79 × 88 14 ct (over 1) or 28 ct (over 2) - 5.6 × 6.3 in. 16 ct (over 1) or 32 ct (over 2) - 4.9 x 5.5 in. 18 ct (over 1) or 36 ct (over 2) - 4.4 x 4.9 in. 40 ct (over 2) - 4.0 x 4.4 in. Creating prayer flag designs has been on my mind for a long time and I'm excited to introduce my first one, Hopeful Heart, to support Cottage Garden Threads. These threads paired perfectly with Fabric Flair's Vintage Ephemera Damask fabric to create a layered look to the design. The model is stitched on Fabric Flair's 40 ct Vintage Ephemera Damask using one strand of the called for floss over two linen threads. Alternative fabrics: This design would be lovely stitched on any cream or pale pink fabric. Pick your favorite color and enjoy!

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