I have it all together

Leaflet Style
Print and Bag Chart Pack
Stitch Count
260 x 199
Project Size
17" x 14"(with 3" border) on 25 count fabric
DMC (9 colours)
25 count evenweave (stitched over 1)
Designed By:
Paine Free Crafts
copyright: Paine Free Crafts
About this item
Paine Free Crafts licences a wide range of art from all around the world. We carefully edit and convert the art using photo editing software and specialised cross stitch software to create cross stitch art that looks exactly like the mockup shown on the front cover of the chart package. Thankyou for your interest!

• Accurate colour mockup of finished piece on front sheet
• Instructions on how to tackle a large design
• Easy to read black & white pattern
• Page layout guide on every page
• DMC Floss usage list

Unlike most of our pieces, this isn't full coverage, and you can use whatever colours you want. I've included a colourway (uses 9 DMC colours) but honestly, the wilder you go, the more fun it will be!

Pricing Information:

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