Lady with an Ermine is one of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous and captivating portraits, painted around 1489–1490. The painting depicts Cecilia Gallerani, a young woman from a prominent Milanese family. She was the mistress of Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, who was Leonardo’s patron. The ermine she holds is a symbol with layered meanings. It could represent purity and virtue, referencing a legend that ermines would rather die than soil their white fur.
Cross Stitch Chart includes:
✔️ A cover page
✔️ Easy instructions
✔️ A thread material list
✔️ Thread lengths page
✔️ COLOR chart with easy clear symbols.
We only use full stitches unless otherwise stated.
Cross Stitch Pattern adapted from amazing artworks, by The Art of Stitch since 2006.