Pattern Name: Miss Pumplin
Designed By: Nursun Kanber
Company: NNK BV Holland
Copyright: Twin Peak Primitives
Fabric: Aida 14, Natural
83w X 123h Stitches
Size: 14 Count, 28 Count
14.15w X 22.13h cm
5.57h X 8.71h inch
16 Count, 32 Count
12,7w X 19,7h cm
5w X 7.76h inch
18 Count, 36 Count
11.3w X 17.54h cm
4.45w X 6.90h inch
20 Count, 40 Count
10.2w X 15.7h cm
4.02w X 6.18h inch
* The model stitched and finished by Banu Karakaya @scarlet_35 on IG) on 20
ct Zweigart 3379-53 Natural Aida as 2 over 1..
* There are 11 different colors on the pattern and all called for DMC.
* 1 skein required for all colors.
* All Rights Reserved 2024.