Palace of the Winds - A Study in Variegated Threads

Item Number:
Leaflet Style
Print and Bag Chart Pack
Stitch Count
253w x 239h
Project Size
12.7" x 12" on 40cnt (over 2)
40ct Old Stationary Linen
Designed By:
Jan Hicks Creates
copyright: Jan Hicks Creates 2022
About this item
Welcome to the first in my Cross Stitch Lab collection. Along with this design, I have provided a video tutorial. In the video, we are going to study the styles of variegated threads and how to stitch with them to really make them shine. You will learn the decisions you have to make, based on your own stitching style and personality, when working with variegated threads and when it’s okay to just say no to variegated threads! The burgundy model is stitched on 40 ct Old Stationary by Seraphim Hand-dyed Fabrics using one strand of floss over two linen threads. The green model is stitched on 40 ct Stony Brook by Hobby House Dye Company also using one strand of floss over 2 linen threads. I have provided conversions to DMC as well.

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