"Phoenix Rising" European Style Cross Stitch Pattern

Leaflet Style
Print and Bag Chart Pack
Stitch Count
154w X 196h
Project Size
11" X 14"
your choice
Designed By:
Lee Fisher - StitchyFish Designs
copyright: LeeFisher@StitchyFishDesigns
About this item
"Phoenix Rising" is a beauty of a european style cross stitch sampler ready for you to personalize with your choice of fabric & flosses. The choices in color combinations are endless! Choose whatever cross stitch count you desire for a variety of sizes. If stitched in 14 ct over 1 or 28ct over two this will finish out right at 11" X 14" the perfect standard frame size! Saying: "Above the Ashes I Rise....A Phoenix." Explaining some of the symbolism: There is a bit of symbolism, the most dramatic being the phoenix itself. This represents the struggles of life and your ability to rise above the ashes and fly! Above the head of the phoenix you will notice a stylized sunburst, raindrop & the swirls of the wind. Elsewhere in the design you will see a section of chain links to remind us that we are never alone but that we are surrounded by others just like ourselves, that what we do affects many others & to live kindly & share our love. The little lion reminds us to be bold, courageous & confident in who we are as we walk through life & to never back down from our ideals. The black work stained glassed windows reminds us that life is fragile & to handle others with care. The waves across the top remind us that storms will come, but they won't last forever, so hang on! There are various mountain range designs to symbolism the ups & down of our journey but remind us that the view is worth the effort! The vines & flowers reminds us of the beauty of nature that surrounds us. And lastly, a little mermaid with her needle & thread to remind you that this pattern was made with love for you by StitchyFish Designs...Enjoy!

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