Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Gustav Klimt is one of the most celebrated works of the early 20th century and a defining masterpiece of the Art Nouveau movement. The subject, Adele Bloch-Bauer, was a prominent Viennese socialite and the wife of wealthy industrialist Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer. In this portrait, Klimt captures not just her physical beauty but also her status and personality, enveloping her in an aura of opulence.
Cross Stitch Chart includes:
✔️ A cover page
✔️ Easy instructions
✔️ A thread material list
✔️ Thread lengths page
✔️ COLOR chart with easy clear symbols.
We only use full stitches unless otherwise stated.
Cross Stitch Pattern adapted from amazing artworks, by The Art of Stitch since 2006.