Stars in the Sky - #11779-JC

Leaflet Style
Print and Bag Chart Pack
Stitch Count
400w x 372h
Project Size
28.5"w x 26.5"h on 14ct
67 DMC Cotton Colours
Designed By:
Artecy Cross Stitch
Copyright of Artecy Cross Stitch
About this item
This counted cross stitch pattern of an evening landscape with an eskimo saying was created from a photograph copyright of Pellinni - Fotolia. Only full cross stitches are used in this pattern. It is a black and white symbol pattern.

This pattern is dedicated to our friends son, James Collins, a brave little superhero, who sadly lost his 6 month battle with cancer in August 2014 at the age of 7. All earnings received by Artecy Cross Stitch for sale of this pattern will be donated to the Leukaemia Foundation to help find a cure for this cruel disease.

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