Pattern Name:Summer Breeze
Designed By:Nurdan Kanber
Company:NNK BV Holland
Copyright:Nurdan Kanber
Fabric: Aida 14,Light Blue-Green
Linen 28 count DMC Evenweave -
3813 - Light Blue Green
210w X 120h Stitches
14 Count /28 count,
Size:38.10w X 21.77h cm
• The model is stitched by Banu Karakaya (scarlet_35 on IG) on DMC 28
count evenweave - 3813 - Light Blue Green as 2 over 2.
• There is 10 different colors on the pattern and all called for DMC.
• 2 skeins require for DMC 3865 Winter White. 1 skein requires fort he
rest of the colors.