Waking Life

Item Number:
Leaflet Style
Print and Bag Chart Pack
Toho or Miyuki Beads or Mill Hill Beads
Designed By:
Northern Expressions Needlework
copyright: © 2020 Nicole Dostal
About this item
Waking Life is the partner of Resting Life. As relaxed and serene as the colours in Resting Life were, the colours in Waking Life are bright, vibrant and full of life. You might say, as different as night and day. ;) As most of you know, the symmetry and flow of mandalas has a special appeal to me, so when I saw these pieces by Adam Millward, I fell in love with them. The style immediately lends itself to needlework, and as usual I've added my own flair with beads and specialty stitches. If you love Adam's artwork as much as I do, check out his website where you can buy prints, blankets, scarves and even request custom paintings: https://www.nexusvisions.com/ Stitch Count: 301w x 301h Design Size: 15 ¼ x 15 ¼ inches on 40 count fabric 16 ¾ x 16 ¾ inches on 36 count fabric 19 x 19 inches on 32 count fabric 21 ½ x 21 ½ inches on 28 count fabric Because the design uses specialty and fractional, linen or evenweave fabric is recommended for ease of stitching, but any count of evenweave will work, you don't have to use 40ct ;)

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