Wheel of the Year Celebration Book

Leaflet Style
Print and Bag Chart Pack
Stitch Count
151 x 190
Project Size
10.79 x 13.57 inches
Designed By:
Artists Alley
Copyright Artists Alley 2003-present, all rights reserved
About this item
This book contains ALL 8 of the Wheel of the Year patterns. EDITED NOTE 2019: I have noted that there are two spelling errors. The first is in Lammas - the word grain is missing the 'r' and in Samhain - the word between is spelled with 2 't'. I am working to reload a new master file and will make a new note when it is done. For the time being any of your cutomers who wish to get the pages with corrected spelling can email artistsalley@sympatico.ca all they need to do is tell me who they purchased through and I'll be glad to help them. Thanks for your patience.

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